I was doing a little research on the so-called Eleventh Commandment. I thought it said "Thou Shalt Not Attack Thy Fellow Republican." But according to both Wikipedia AND Conservapedia... you can find that one yourself... the actual text of the commandment is "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican." In the era of Trump, however, they might have to expand that to include depositions in court. After all, most Conservatives seem to answer to a higher power than the American court system when it comes to crunch time.
Anyway, this "Eleventh Commandment" is credited to Ronald Reagan, but apparently was created by a feller named Gaylord Parkinson. Alas, it didn't raise his standing in the Internet Age. A little hard to find articles about him, especially with a name like Gaylord. But according to Conservapedia, the feller's name is Gay LAND Parkinson. So which is it? Is it Gaylord or is it Gayland? I think the answer is sooo over here...