Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A $300 Accounting Textbook

...that I can't return to the bookstore, no less!  That's great.  Thanks a lot, guys.  Really appreciate it.  Boy, just wait til I figure out a way to cook the books AND go on vacation!  That'll really blow their minds!  No one will see that coming!
But I don't know.  Maybe I'm crazy.  Maybe it's a French thing.  You know, "Zee Long-term Liability, she goes into Zee Bonds Payable, n'est ce pas?"

Ah, what do you expect from a JavaScript book?

This is one from a book called "JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual."  Of course, the book's already obsolete already, so why even bother with the typoes?  Well, maybe present and future publishers can learn something from this example: it's not the main body of the text, but all the little extra Note sections and Warning or Alert sections that have the typos in them. 
Anyway, I think they meant to say "Blame it on Gutenberg"... but you know what?  Doesn't "Blame it in on Gutenberg" just sound better?  Doesn't it just roll off the tongue that much smoother?  Daa-dee-daa-dee-daa?  Much nicer than Daa-de-de-daa; yecch.